September 27, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

Underground: The Subterranean Culture of DIY Punk Shows

Underground: The Subterranean Culture of DIY Punk Showsby Daniel Makagon
192 pages, 5×8″ paperback (14 oz) from Microcosm Publishing
The Social History of Basement Shows
Coming September 15, 2015
Underground is all about the history and future of DIY punk touring in the USA.  Daniel Makagon explores the culture of DIY spaces like house shows and community-based music spaces, their impact on underground communities and economies, and why these networks matter.  He shows that no matter who you are, organizing, playing, and/or attending a DIY punk show is an opportunity to become a real part of a meaningful movement and to create long-lasting alternatives to the top-down economic and artistic practices of the mainstream music industry.
Punk kids playing an illegal show too loudly in someone’s basement might not save the world, but they might just be showing us the way to building something better.

ISBN 978-1-62106-518-0
Pre-order HERE

Source: Microcosm Publishing