July 8, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

Global Vinyl Market Details

1 min read

Vinyl has seen a revival in the past few years, with sales increasing by 54.7 per cent in 2014 alone to US$346.8 million. The leading market for vinyl sales is the US, where the market was worth US$181.6 million last year, up 52.8 per cent. The top 10 market with the highest growth was Australia, where vinyl sales climbed 127.0 per cent.

Despite its sales success, vinyl remains a comparatively niche part of the global recording industry, accounting for 2 per cent of its US$14.97 billion revenues in 2014.

Top 10 markets – vinyl sales (US$ millions) 2014
Rank Market 2013 2014 2014 % change
1 USA 118.8 181.6 +52.8%
2 Germany 25.5 34.0 +33.4%
3 UK 19.8 31.7 +60.1%
4 Japan 9.0 16.3 +81.4%
5 Netherlands 9.4 14.1 +50.2%
6 France 8.8 12.2 +39.2%
7 Canada 7.0 9.2 +31.6%
8 Italy 3.5 6.2 +76.5%
9 Australia 2.7 6.0 +127.0%
10 Sweden 2.3 3.7 +59.9%
Global 224.2 346.8 +54.7%

Frances Moore, chief executive of IFPI, says: “The recording industry is a portfolio business, offering music in formats from vinyl to streaming. Critics thought vinyl would disappear as a format, but many music fans around the world seem to be falling in love with it again. With the accompanying artwork and liner notes, vinyl records really can be a work of art and a collector’s delight.”



Source: IFPI