September 30, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

Century Media is looking for a buyer

US independent rock-centric label, Century Media, is looking for a buyer, with its founder Robert Kampf tipping Universal as his preferred parent.

In an interview with Metal Suck, the exec said the label would now be better off under the wing of a major company thanks to changes in the way music is consumed.

“I think Century Media, or any indie label – which is going to lose a lot of its sales due to the changes in the industry – will have a much better chance to shine within an organisation like a major”, said Kampf.

“Every music company in the future has this problem: whether it’s Spotify or Beats or whatever comes along, those changes will be difficult.”

Joining Universal would be “the easiest for us,” said Kampf, seeing as the label is distributed by Universal in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and countries in the Middle East.

“Sony would be an equally easy change in those territories serviced by RED Distribution (the US, Canada, and South and Middle America), but it would be a big change for the rest of the world, and therefore complicated. With Warner, it would be starting from scratch,” he added.

Now celebrating 27 years in the business, it’s been a turbulent few years for the firm. In 2012, it filed 7,500 lawsuits against illegal file traders and has had a rocky relationship with Spotify.

It pulled its repertoire from the streaming service in 2011 “in an attempt to protect the interests of their artists” but has since returned, thanks to “fan sentiment and continued discussions” about its value as a discovery tool.

Last year, Century Media’s co-founder Oliver Withöft died. Kampf is now the company’s sole owner.



Source: Music Week