September 29, 2024

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Eight Million Streaming Music Services Users In The Nordic Countries

Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden, with a combined population of 26 million – are forerunners in the shift to digital music consumption, a new study finds. An estimated 8 million Nordic consumers (Internet users aged 15 to 65) have used music streaming services such as Spotify or Wimp in the past 12 months. SPOTIFY alone is estimated to have 7 million users in Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden. While the survey reports use in the past 12 months, this is nevertheless a significant number compared to Spotify’s 40 million active monthly users worldwide.

All in all, 78% of Nordic Internet users aged 15 to 65 are digital music consumers (an estimated 13.8 million), having used services such as YouTube, Spotify, Wimp or iTunes for accessing music content at some time in the past 12 months.

The Nordic countries: one of the leading digital music markets in the world

More than 3.5 million consumers in the Nordic countries, 20% of the target group of the study, have paid for digital music (downloads or streaming) in the past 12 months, with Norway taking the lead before Sweden, Denmark and Finland.

All four Nordic countries have a strong local music repertoire that is also available online: a third of the survey respondents say it is easy to find local music in digital music services. The countries also share a strong interest in music-making and an active interest in live music. For many, listening to music plays an important role in their lives: over half of the respondents say they would find it difficult or impossible to give up music listening.

Polaris Nordic Digital Music Survey 2014
The Polaris Nordic Digital Music Survey was conducted in Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden in June 2014. The online survey targeted Internet users aged 15 to 65, with 4,000 respondents (1,000 per country).

THE SURVEY was commissioned by the three Nordic collecting societies for music authors – Koda (Denmark), Teosto (Finland) and Tono (Norway) – that in 2013 formed the Polaris Nordic Alliance. The purpose of the collaboration is to reduce administration costs and to increase the efficiency of their rights administration business.

Koda, Teosto and Tono license digital music services in Denmark, Finland and Norway. The three collecting societies represent a combined total of 95 000 thousand music authors and publishers and in 2013 distributed 195 million euros to authors and publishers for the use of their music.


Source: Koda