September 29, 2024

Skylight Webzine

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Pandora AMP Opens Up Large Scale Artist Analytics

Pandora, the leading internet radio service, today launched Pandora AMP, a free online service that gives artists and their managers a detailed view of their audience on the world’s largest Internet radio platform. “The challenge faced by artists trying to find and build an audience was part of the original inspiration for Pandora. With AMP, the goal is simple: we want to harness the power of our scale and data to make artists’ lives easier.”

Pandora AMP provides a trove of data and insights to all 125,000-plus artists played on the service. Derived from tens of billions of hours of personalized listening, it has the potential to help artists with many critical decisions such as tour routing, single selection, set lists, audience targeting and more.

Updated daily, examples of the insights available on Pandora AMP include:

* Song-by-song performance information, including total spins and number of thumbs up
* Number of unique fans that have created a station for each artist
* Detailed geographic and demographic breakdowns of each artist’s audience
* An interactive heat map showcasing where an artist’s music is attracting an audience across the United States

“When I was in a band, we had a rented van, a box of fliers, and a couple staple guns,” said Tim Westergren, Pandora’s founder and a former touring musician himself. “The challenge faced by artists trying to find and build an audience was part of the original inspiration for Pandora. With AMP, the goal is simple: we want to harness the power of our scale and data to make artists’ lives easier.”

Unrivaled Data

Insights on Pandora AMP, powered by The Music Genome Project, provide a lens into the company’s immense data, collected since its launch more than nine years ago. With more than 76 million listeners tuning in on average for over 20 hours each month, it gives artists access to the single largest source of music engagement in the United States.

* 50 billion-plus hours of music have been listened to in the past 9 years on Pandora
* 45 billion-plus “Thumb” inputs have been shared
* 7 billion-plus stations have been created
* 1.61 billion listener hours in June 2014 alone

The scale of this audience has important implications not only for established acts but also for the tens of thousands of working musicians who have never enjoyed the support of broadcast radio – over 80 percent of the artists on Pandora do not receive any airtime on terrestrial radio. With AMP, Pandora has created an easy-to-use and actionable tool for all musicians.

Ben Singer, manager of singer-songwriter Andy Grammer said, “This is a total game changer for us. Our research shows us that the majority of Andy’s fans consume music on Pandora. To have access to these analytics will only help us better serve his fans as the music industry continues to evolve.”

“Musicians have largely had to rely on social media to interface with the general public,” said Westergren. “Not only are their audiences significantly larger on Pandora, the numbers reflect fans who are actively engaging with an artist’s music. AMP provides a direct view into who and where these audiences are and what resonates with them.”

“Actually seeing where people are listening to an artist’s music and being able to track listening spikes will be hugely beneficial,” said Troy Carter, CEO and founder, Atom Factory. “It is exciting to think about not only what I will learn about my artists, but how I will be able to use this information in the future. I love that Pandora has chosen to openly share this data with artists.”



Source: Pandora Radio