September 29, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

Bob Dylan’s lyrics included in academic papers

It started when John Jundberg and Eddie Weitzberg, Professors at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, wrote an article about their research into the passage of gas through intestines. The title: “Nitric Oxide and inflammation: The answer is blowing in the wind”.

“We both really liked Bob Dylan and we thought the quotes really fitted nicely with what we were trying to achieve with the title,” Professor Weitzberg told The Local, a Swedish newspaper.

The academics kept inserting Dylan titles and lyrics into their editorials and articles (find several in the first paragraph of this article, if you can be bothered), only hesitating when writing formal scientific papers. “We could have got in trouble for that,” Weitzberg said. Years later, a librarian spotted an article written by two other professors called “Blood on the tracks: a simple twist of fate”. She alerted the joke’s originators, whom she had also rumbled, and, in a highbrow game of Dylan tennis (doubles), the four began competing to include the most lyrics into their work.



Source: The Independent