March 14, 2025

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

Ecce Shnak – Shadows Grow Fangs

Ecce Shnak’s Shadows Grow Fangs is a  composition that moves between dance beats, post-punk paranoia, and progressive rock complexity. The band, led by David Roush (composer, bassist, and vocalist), consists of Bella Komodromos (vocals), Chris Krasnow (guitar), Gannon Ferrell (guitar), and Henry Buchanan-Vaughn (drums), all of whom contribute to the track’s distinctive and unexpected sound. At its core, Shadows Grow Fangs is a song about loneliness, miscommunication, and the often sad way humans push each other away when connection is most crucial. According to Roush, the song explores those “horrifying moments in which we feel abandoned and threatened,” a subject that is represented in both the lyrics and the strong music. The song begins with an addictive rhythm, a groovy bassline, and guitar work typical of the freedom of expression of 1970s art rock. The percussion, while mainly steady, takes unexpected alternatives into progressive landscape recalling of OK Computer-era Radiohead and even early Genesis, providing the music an experimental touch. The dual vocal approach is particularly “crashing”: Roush’s deep, dark post-punk voice contrasts with Komodromos’ soft, almost ghostlike harmonies, emphasizing the song’s themes of inner conflict and isolation from society. The lyrics present an interesting and alarming picture, switching between personal isolation and bizarre, almost hallucinating visuals. Lines like “Shadows grow fangs when you’re alone” and “Try to look tough on your bike ride home / Fancy yourself Sylvester Stallone” produce both despair and dark comedy, as if the protagonist is caught between paranoia and self-mockery. The chorus “Shame! Shame! Shame!” increases the impression of spiraling dread, almost as a self-critical mantra. Despite its dark themes, the song is never oppressive. Instead, it encourages movement with its dance groove and ever-changing forms, making it feel intense and alive. Ecce Shnak creates a sound realm where isolation is both catastrophic and curiously stimulating resulting in a composition that is as interesting as it is musically adventurous. Ecce Shnak’s Shadows Grow Fangs is an elite course in controlled anarchy, bringing post-punk, prog, and spiritual vibes into the dance floor.

Photo Credit: Ecce Shnak photo by Tommy Krause

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