September 25, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

The Beautifully Demolished Sign With HVM

Hollywood, CA hard rockers THE BEAUTIFULLY DEMOLISHED has signed a worldwide deal with HIGHVOLMUSIC. TBD is lead by main song writer and frontman DK Revelle. THE BEAUTIFULLY DEMOLISHED will enter Fast Traxx Studio in Fresno, CA in February to record. Never at a loss for words, DK Revelle had this to say about signing with HVM: “I’m really lookin’ forward to working with Bill Chavis & crew at HVM. Come witness the revenge of Rock n’ Roll by Rock n’ Roll people for Rock n’ roll people! Let’s get “Beautifully Demolished in 2013”- Cheers: D.k. Revelle. TBD

“We’ve been working on this deal for a couple of months and we finally got it done. DK Revelle is a charismatic personality and one helluva songwriter and frontman. DK sent in 4-5 demo tracks that are just straight ahead kick-ass rock n roll tunes with great energy and hooks. We are very happy to have DK and his band signed to HVM.” – Bill Chavis / Owner

THE BEAUTIFULLY DEMOLISHED is best described as “Reminiscent of the heydeys of Rock n’ Roll circa 1978-1987, THE BEAUTIFULLY DEMOLISHED are alive & kickin’ in this day & age and rewriting the Rock n’ Roll handbook one lick at a time for a new generation of Rock n’ Roll hellraiser!! – THE BEAUTIFULLY DEMOLISHED >>> 101% KICK ASS ROCK N ROLL”

Look for the first single to arrive in early spring but in the meantime THE BEAUTIFULLY DEMOLISHED has recently launched their social networking sites at Facebook , Twitter and Reverb Nation so stop by ‘Like’, ‘Follow’, and ‘Join’.
