September 24, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

Oblivion Myth Guitarist Charged With Attempted Murder In The First Degree

On New Year’s Day, Nashville Metro police arrested 27 year old Oblivion Myth guitarist Chris Selby who is accused of “dangling a woman off a third floor apartment breezeway” at the Tulip Grove Apartment Complex in Hermitage, TN.

According to police, a call was placed for a disorderly person and as the dispatched officer approached the third story landing, Selby grabbed the woman, later identified as Kelia Ramos, by her waist and started to push her over the breezeway railing. Ramos was screaming, “No, no, pull me in” as she grabbed Selby’s arm.

The officer pulled out his weapon and ordered Selby to stop, which he did and was then taken into custody without further incident.

Selby has been charged with attempted first degree murder and was booked into the Metro jail on a $100,000 bond.

A statement posted to Oblivion Myth’s social media pages and official website on January 2nd by front-man Ray LeGrand said, “It is with absolute shock and disbelief that I find myself writing this statement. About 30 minutes ago my phone started ringing and numerous text messages came to me asking for comment on longtime Oblivion Myth guitarist Chris Selby. This was the first I or any other member of the band were made aware of the situation.” LeGrand also asked that fans would honor their privacy and also stated, “We will likely post an update as we learn more, but honestly, our information is the same as everyone else’s right now. Thank God that this situation did not end any worse than it already is. Please pray for all those involved.”

Founding member and lead guitarist Keith Smith was quoted as saying, “This is very heartbreaking. Oblivion Myth has faced challenges before, but none quite like this.”

When asked about upcoming events, including their highly anticipated “Sanctuary From The Streets” benefit at The Rutledge in Nashville, TN on February 15th, LeGrand told us “We will not be canceling any shows. Keith will be covering Chris’ parts and we will go on as a four piece for now”. When asked if Selby would remain in the lineup LeGrand stated, “This is not the time. Right now we are focused on what might happen with our brother and on keeping our commitments. Oblivion Myth will not stop, but for now, deciding Chris’ role in the band is the last thing on our minds”.

“Sanctuary From The Streets” will benefit Sanctuary International’s “Bridge Bunch” homeless / food outreach which provide approximately 4,500 meals per month to those less fortunate in the Nashville area. Additionally, the group serves as a collection and distribution point for seven other organizations who also feed Nashville’s displaced and homeless as well as providing food for 25 families directly.

The “Bridge Bunch”, part of Sanctuary International “The Rock N’ Roll Refuge”, is led by former Intense Records founder “Heavy Metal Pastor” Bob Beeman who has been largely influential in the careers of bands like Stryper, Barren Cross, Deliverance and Vengeance to name a few. Beeman continues to consult with many of the biggest names in metal today and has a wildly successful podcast on Youtube (Pastor Bob Daily) in addition to his passion for serving the homeless.

In addition to Oblivion Myth the lineup for “Sanctuary From The Streets” will also include Roxx Records melodic metal band InnerSiege and Ulterium Records power metal juggernauts Theocracy, who will be playing their entire “As The World Bleeds” CD live for the first time.

Additional updates from the band will be posted to their social media pages and official band website,

Oblivion Myth
P.O. Box 330547
Nashville, TN 37203-7504

Oblivion Myth is registered with ASCAP/Nashville
