September 19, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

Kiss Is Kill – 100%

Kiss Is Kill’s “100%” is an exciting tune that wonderfully emphasizes the diverse workof the project’s award-winning composer and producer, James Chapple. The song’s 1990s acid synthesizers quickly draw your attention, providing an upbeat tone that is both nostalgic and groovy. The beat quickly comes in, boosting the dancing rhythm and pushing the music ahead with energy. The background is filled with complicated synths that give the track a complex, psychedelic trance vibe. What distinguishes “100%” is the complicated layering of sounds. The backdrop is loaded with elaborate synthesizers, giving the music a dense, psychedelic trance impression. This aural depth keeps the listener interested, revealing new elements with each listen. Around 1:05, the tune takes a drastic turn as powerful guitars join the mix, providing a rough edge reminding of bands like Powerman 5000 and White Zombie. This combination of industrial rock and electronic music produces a powerful sound that is both angry and groovy. The vocals in “100%” contribute to the song’s futuristic sense. They enhance the industrial looks while staying clear and understandable despite being processed with a mechanical distortion effect. Unlike many tracks in the genre, which suffer from overproduction, with loud guitars and effects drowning out the vocals, “100%” hits the right balance. The recording quality is excellent, with a mix that allows each element—from the vocals to the guitars and synths—to stand out without overpowering the listener.

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