October 6, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

Miss Torsion – I Will Never Write You A Lovesong (Rock Version)

Known for her time spent as the guitarist for Cell Division and her work with Lowest Fi, Miss Torsion adds an attractive and unique touch to her solo effort, “I Will Never Write You A Lovesong (Rock Version).” This song demonstrates her capacity to combine atmospheric rock with ethereal vocals to create a sound that is emotionally touching. The song’s slow, steady electronic bass tones establish the scene for melancholy and reflection right away. The guitar increases the gloomy undertone of the song by gradually blending into the mix and complementing the bass. Next comes Miss Torsion’s voice, which has an ethereal pop vibe that makes her sound like Kate Bush and All About Eve. One of her best qualities is her voice, which communicates the lyrics with an unearthly and emotional depth. She seems to be taking the listener to her own little realm while she sings, inviting them to join her there. The use of atmospheric and even gothic sounds adds layers of mystery, nostalgia, and romance, creating a rich, textured soundscape. Collectively, these components create feelings of meditation and desire, elevating the song above mere song to the status of emotional journey.


