June 26, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

Decoy – Smg

2 min read

Decoy’s “SMG” is a musical masterpiece that combines elements of deathcore, screamo, and math rock into an intense and complex trip. The song instantly establishes a high-energy and technically proficient tone with its fast-paced percussion and complex math rock guitar riffs. This instrumental prowess lays a solid foundation for the arrival of the vocals, which bring an intense screamo and deathcore aura that infuses the song with unstoppable energy and raw emotion. Listeners are treated to a whirlwind of Machine Head-esque loud guitar riffs from 0:33 to 0:43, which immerse them in a groovy yet chaotic environment that highlights the band’s creative vitality. With a distinct focus on highlighting the band’s violent vocal delivery and aggressive guitar riffs, “SMG” has exceptional production quality that makes the band’s passion obvious throughout. The vocals make a noticeable change around 2:10 when they start to sound more melodic. By adding depth and a melancholic harmony to the mix, the melodic voices are stacked beneath the main screamo vocals, creating a striking contrast. This track’s overall feel is enhanced by the dual-layered voice style, which elevates it to a noteworthy high point. The song “SMG” depicts a realistic image of hopelessness and a quest for purpose as it explores into themes of existential struggle and inner conflict. A strong sense of loneliness and introspection is expressed by lines like “You wait inside your room until the rain stops” and “I feel so lost now, I’ve lost all my humanity.” The phrase “a long goodbye” appears frequently, emphasizing the idea that life is fleeting and the struggle to find one’s identity in the face of uncertainty. Let’s sum up: Decoy’s “SMG” is a brilliantly composed song that strikes a perfect balance between raw emotional intensity and technical intricacy. It is a unique song that is guaranteed to appeal to lovers of progressive and heavy music because of its smart blending of several musical genres, strong production, and powerful lyrics.




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