September 28, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

Manuel Laisné – Conseil

Manuel Laisné’s “Conseil” is a m usical adventure that combines a variety of styles and influences to create an entertaining composition. The music begins with exotica sounds that create a distinct and engaging tone, along with groovy rhythms that grab listeners’ attention right away. The lively and lively energy of this intro draws the listener in and establishes an inviting atmosphere. Around the 25-second mark, the electric guitar makes a striking entrance, weaving its way into the mix with a confident and assertive presence. The addition of the guitar shifts the music into a jazz-rock style reminiscent of bands like Gong, known for their eclectic and adventurous approach. At 1:24, a Moog solo enters the song, providing it a new focus. This moment recalls a dreamy, otherworldly dimension, paying homage to the psychedelic sounds of the 1960s and 1970s. This solo has a distinctly vintage vibe to it, yet it yet seems modern and nostalgic at the same time. Throughout “Conseil,” there are subtle yet impactful oriental and psychedelic influences. These elements contribute to the track’s atmosphere, adding layers of complexity and identity. The oriental touches, in particular, give the music an exotic flair, enriching its overall character and making it stand out.