June 1, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

Candy Coffins – Another Kiss

2 min read

Candy Coffins, the brainchild of vocalist, guitarist, and songwriter James Lathren, presents a captivating Post-Punk track titled “Another Kiss.” Influenced by iconic bands such as The Cure and The Afghan Whigs, Candy Coffins embraces the essence of the genre while delivering a unique and deeply personal experience. With a promotional video that strikes a relatable chord, “Another Kiss” captures pivotal moments of life, leaving listeners with an overwhelming sense of urgency as time seemingly accelerates. The track immediately draws listeners in with its brooding atmosphere and infectious guitar-driven melodies. The influence of bands like The Cure and The Afghan Whigs is evident in the hauntingly beautiful guitar lines and the melancholic undertones that permeate the composition. James Lathren’s vocals possess a raw, emotive quality, perfectly complementing the lyrical themes of introspection and emotional turmoil. What sets “Another Kiss” apart is its ability to evoke a profound sense of connection and identification. The promotional video, which appears deeply personal, resonates with listeners on a universal level. It captures those pivotal moments in life that leave an indelible mark, and as the song progresses, the pace seems to quicken, mirroring the frantic nature of the human experience. It is a testament to the band’s ability to encapsulate the essence of life’s fleeting moments through their music. James Lathren’s sentiment regarding “Another Kiss” reflects the passion and dedication poured into the track. The song’s dynamics and impactful lyrics create an intense and immersive listening experience. The sonic juxtaposition between the anticipation and the actual event of losing control is masterfully executed, capturing the essence of the human struggle for creative vision. Candy Coffins, along with producer/engineer John Furr, have successfully realized Lathren’s artistic vision, resulting in a track that resonates deeply with both the creator and the audience. In conclusion, Candy Coffins’ “Another Kiss” is a powerful manifestation of inner turmoil, presented through the lens of Post-Punk music. Influenced by iconic bands of the genre, the track showcases James Lathren’s songwriting prowess and his ability to create an emotional connection with the listener.

Once Do It With Feeling | Candy Coffins (bandcamp.com)
