September 22, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000


Singer Todd La Torre, who was announced earlier today as the new frontman of QUEENSRŸCHE following the departure of that band’s original vocalist Geoff Tate, has posted the following message on his Facebook page:

“I am not a ‘former member’ of CRIMSON GLORY. Both bands are fully aware of my involvement. CRIMSON GLORY is still alive and well, and we are continuing to write material for the new record. QUEENSRŸCHE enters a new chapter; buckle up.”

The other members of CRIMSON GLORY previously issued a statement publicly voicing their support for Todd in his involvement with the QUEENSRŸCHE musicians. They said, “We are all behind Todd 100% on this. He is a brilliant, eloquent and incredibly skilled vocalist; that’s why we were so happy to have him onboard with CRIMSON GLORY in the first place. It was only a matter of time before word got around and his performances were seen by the right people, that everyone would know who Todd La Torre was.

“QUEENSRŸCHE is another great example of how a band can create a legacy that is endless; we’re proud to stand with them against the test of time as some of the original pioneers of progressive metal here in the U.S.

“Since we share so many of the same fans, we truly see this as a great opportunity not just for Todd, but for the fans as well.

“CRIMSON GLORY has always had a very devout following of fans, but QUEENSRŸCHE has obviously had a more far-reaching effect on the mainstream metal movement, and so we see this as a great opportunity for many of their fans to get to know our music better. Above all, Todd has been a fan of QUEENSRŸCHE for so long, and for him to have the chance to be a part of their next chapter (as RISING WEST) is a dream come true for him, and for us as as his friends as well. When he came to us with this, we supported him and encouraged him to go for it. The world deserves to have as much Todd as it can handle!

“Of course, Todd is still the singer for CRIMSON GLORY, he is a part of our family and that will never change. We are still writing the new record and we will be adding more tour dates later this year.”

La Torre, who says that QUEENSRŸCHE has been his favorite band since he was 15 years old, first met QUEENSRŸCHE guitarist Michael Wilton at this year’s NAMM convention in January in Anaheim, California.

“I have nothing but respect for what Geoff Tate has done to the genre. His voice is still amazing,” Todd said. “The only thing that is constant is change. I hope the fans of QUEENSRŸCHE, and I’m one of them, will continue to show respect for him and all he has accomplished.”

Source: Rocknollcola /Todd La Torre Facebook account