September 28, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

JULIAN ANGEL…The Teaser Pleaser Guy!

1. Who are you and how did you get into the music biz?

I am this Julian Angel dude, the one who used to tease his hair and wear cowboy boots even during the age of grunge. I thought playing an electric twanger would attract lots of girls, so I told everyone I was a guitarist; one day I had to follow up on it and walk my talk. So you can say I got forced to do it…

2. You were nominated for German rock awards but you got ripped off . What did it happen?

I somehow never got across their criteria. I was nominated for Best Guitarist in the year 2000 and the judges really honored my playing skills but somehow thought the song had no commercial potential and I was out. Hey, if I had applied for best tearjerker I would have come up with some “I love you, you love me” kind of thing…

3. You have a new album, can you tell us all the details about it ?

Got enough storage capacity? Well, the album features my very own combination of image-laden glam and sleaze rock with heavy grooves and slamming beats. Kind of like Mötley Crüe, Fergie and Prince are having a threesome.
I have been working on it for about a year which includes songwriting, recording and mixing, all in the heat of my attic. Isn´t rock and roll about sweat, huh?

4. Were there any guest musicians in this album?

I played all the instruments myself except for the acoustic drums which were played by my friend Jesse Curse and I had Cat from Cat n’ U do some additional backing vocals. She always puts down the female vocals to the songs I write, so I wanted to give her that credit.

5. Your music has a groovy dance atmosphere, almost pop sometimes. Was this a challenge for you?

It started out as fun and then turned into a challenge. Sucker Punch was the first song I recorded in that style and I liked the idea so much that I continued writing more songs to follow this direction. It can be pretty challenging, but when you have some freedom to experiment there’s quite a lot you can do.

6. Sucker Punch track’s intro reminds me of Garry Glitter’s Do You Wanna Touch Me. Did you really want to show your influence with Garry in this song ?

You are absolutely right, it’s that typical Glitter Band beat. I’m not much into Gary Glitter, but I dig that rhythm.

7. Your music is very American, did you ever think of movin’ at the States?

Every day, dude!!! I have actually grown up with American kids in my neighborhood. My dad used to drive American cars all the way and let me listen to his Elvis tapes when he drove me to kindergarden and school. I guess this all pretty much set the pace…

8. What’s the feedback from your music till now?

Speaking of my album “Choreography Sucks”, some love it, others hate me for it. Fortunatley I got more lovers – no pun intended, dude. I have to admit, this isn’t your album when you’re a purist, but you will love it if you are somehow open for the “next step”.

9. How did the management help you?

I pretty much manage myself, though I have been pretty unorganized lately. I got glam legend Kelv Hellrazer in the boat for additional PR. We’re just getting started but he helped me get into some places I wouldn´t have gotten to on my own.

10. You also work as a producer, can you mention any band names?

My haters will hate me even more if I do, hahaha. I am currently mixing some stuff for Italian glam/sleazers Revel and will probably get something started with Hollywood based Toney Richards, singer of D-Zire and Wikkid Starr. The production of a Swedish model named Melexia will follow up next in cooperation with Oz Osukaru of Blindfoldead Productions. She has a great image and will do two of my songs. There’s also some pop stuff I have done so far in the central European area.

11. How often do you play live, any plans for a tour ?

There are vague plans for taking all this on the road. Fall 2008 would be a great time, however I cannot promise anything yet right now.


12. Any hot groupie stories to share with us?

Sorry, I have signed cease-and-desist declarations and you wouldn’t believe me anyway. It’s just funny to see what some girls would like to be just to be “with the band”, like becoming a tour manager, caterer or the “band’s personal pole dancer”…

13. You have also worked as a journalist, who was the greatest rock star you have ever interviewd and why? And what about the worst guy in the music biz?

I haven’t interviewed the worst guy in the bizz yet, but I’m sure he must be the winner of some casting show. The greatest rock star I have interviewed is definitely Bret Michaels, even if I only had him on the phone. He was great and seemed to have fun answering some questions not directly related to his latest record then, which was his Songs Of Life solo album. At least we overran the time predetermined by his management…

14. Do you really think that choreography sucks?

Yes, it really does. I hate it when singers don’t have a band on stage that creates some action. So when the singer is lame they always send some dancers on stage to make the audience feel like “whoah, there’s quite something going on here”.
It’s the same with all those boy groups. Since they don’t play any instruments they have to do those silly moves while they’re not singing. This somehow isn’t the real thing to me. So I might say it sucks.